Have you ever wanted to hunt the heads of the foreigner and then take the bloody stumps back to your shrine to the yam cult and dance around a firepit dressed only in a strange mask before you take your newly appointed white woman king and sacrifice her to the volcano in order to appease your angry and vengeful god?
Or perhaps you're more the kind who wants to come to an island and be welcomed as the Great White God and cavort with the topless island women before taking all the females you want, buying off the island of the tribe's main enemy for a basket of beads, and then randomly firing your guns into their huts before being bloodily hacked to pieces and eaten in a minor altercation over forced kidnapping and conversion?
If you want all these things and more then please buy Polynesian Island d20, which details some of the very last cultures to be exploited by some low on ideas game designer for a region in the Forgotten Realms! Here we take the accumulated lore of centuries of racism, toss in a load of fear-driven tales of xenophobia, mix in the fervid imaginations of a few Romantic writers and artists, sprinkle liberally with the fanciful tales conjured up by modern love of the exotic, and ice with a surface veneer of anthropology to bring you an authentic D&D style gaming experience.